Saturday, April 27, 2013

What is the best digital camera out there?

Question by Shroomy: What is the best digital camera out there?
I am looking for a really good digital camera that an amateur like myself can easily use.
I prefer something from Canon, Nikon, or Samsung, but I'm not too picky about the brand.
The price doesn't matter as long as it's not too expensive.
It needs to be something that doesn't die right away, and I would like it to be pretty small.


Best answer:

Answer by Neil A
The all new SONY iSweep

What do you think? Answer below!

1 comment:

  1. You CANNOT go wrong with one of the Canon ixus range of cameras. If you can, try and get a hold of the ixus 70. Canon dont manufacture them anymore but you can still buy them off ebay. They came out a few years ago and to this day, I still havent seen a better picture quality on a mid priced digital camera. You be fine to go with any other ixus camera, but I found a cheap ixus (brand new, never opened) on ebay for about $ 130 only about 4 months ago.

    Canon all the way.
