Saturday, October 19, 2013

What is a good, simple digital camera to purchase? [read more in description]?

Question by Ayaka K.: What is a good, simple digital camera to purchase? [read more in description]?
So, my mom is complaining about our Sony Cybershot DSC-W90 digital camera bought two years ago.
But she wants a new digital camera that just has a few simple functions with good picture quality, small in size, decent looking, and is offered at a good price.
Which cameras are the best to look at?

Best answer:

Answer by erictumlin
canon g10 is simply the best p&s.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. I was surfing the best buy website and came across an Insignia digital camera for $ 69.99 that actually seems really nice.

  2. When I was looking for a new camera to replace my 5 yr old one I looked through some of the camera review websites...this is one guide I found particularly helpful...

    I chose the Canon A590IS and I love it...

  3. How about the Canon SD1100 IS. It's automatic, gives very good image quality, has image stabilizer. It's a subcompact, 3X optical zoom, 8 megapixels. On line it's $ 139 at Dell. Look at Website Left side, camera database.

  4. Don't even worry about the price, get a great camera for little to nothing by visiting this site: just complete a few offers and refer some friends. If you have any questions or comments email me at:
